
Nea Chora (nearest beach) Chryssi akti / Agioi Apostoloi / Stalos / Agia Marina (near Chania) Akrotiri beaches (Kalathas, Stavros) is also near Loft Chania Falassarna Elafonisi Balos Sougia
from the airport 15 klm Less than 20 minutes by car Only 9 klm from Souda Port Only 2 klm from the municipal market of the old town ,10 minutes on foot

Loft Chania is also close to one of the most preferred restaurants of the city as well as to coffee shops and a variety of other restaurants and taverns. View more info about restaurants near to Loft Chania by clicking here.
Loft Chania is close to the following sites: Prince George Palace Eleftherios Venizelos house, which today accommodates the National Research Institute, with his statue paced at the square named after him. The French School (1860) The Russian Church of St. Magdalena New Archaeological Museum of Chania, Halepa - 500m away from Loft:

City treks : Religious monuments : Historical monuments of Crete: Chania sight-seeing: New Archaeological Museum of Chania, Halepa - 500m away from Loft: SPORTS Sports Chania sailing club: Greek Mountaineering Club of Hania: